the key to manifesting is believing you are worthy enough to get it.
self worth is something i have struggled with my entire life but the SECOND i started shifting my self worth in a positive direction, my manifestations started flowing in. just like magic.
so here's how i made that shift:
1. i started by manifesting what i did believe i was worthy of, and built my way up.
when i wanted 1 million followers, i started with literally as small as 1,000. then i built my way up to 5,000 then 10,000 then 20,000… & so on until I hit 1 million. especially with manifesting money, i would start with simply $20 then $50 then work my way up
2. finding the root of why i didn’t believe i was worthy.
you are perfectly, uniquely, divinely, crafted from pure light. you deserve everything you want & more, why would you ever doubt that? children always have big crazy goals before they are trained & domesticated by the world’s limiting beliefs. when did that go away for you? if there’s a time that popped into your head from reading this, that’s it. but if nothing popped into your head, here some journal prompts to help you
why is there part of me that thinks i am unworthy of my desires?
what does the version of me that is worthy of my desires look like? what is the difference between me right now and that version of me?
what does it feel like to feel unworthy of my desires?
if i got everything i wanted, what would that feel like?
& if you still can’t find it, i have a part in my hypnosis download where we ask your subconscious mind (when you’re in a hypnotic state) where that came from and use hypnosis to release it... then reprogram your subconscious mind to believe you deserve everything you desire
3. i did self hypnosis every single day.
i went to school to be a hypnotherapist. i graduated from HMI the college of hypnotherapy. i used to see clients one on one before starting social media, but i also learned SELF hypnosis which is how i do everything in life pretty much. hypnosis is nothing like someone swinging a pendulum or a stop watch in front of your face. it’s literally just the state that you’re in when you’re watching a movie or when you’re drifting off to sleep/just waking up. this is when our brains are the most moldable & we can change our subconscious beliefs in this state. this is how i manifest so many things, changed my life, healed so much trauma and reprogram my subconscious mind… so i created another hypnosis download for you to repair your self worth :)
here's the link to the hypnosis download: